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Social Locations – Geography

Equity Framework > Social Locations > Geography

Where people live, work, and play has an important influence on health and well-being. Toronto is a divided city in terms of its:

There is increasing geographic separation between groups along ethno-cultural, racial, and income lines [1]. Communities are complex and multi-dimensional. Many neighbourhoods with very high inequities also have resilient, protective factors, and many families in those communities may still experience wellbeing. Raising the Village’s Child & Family Inequities Score provides a summary measure of the socio-economic challenges that children and families experience across Toronto. The Child & Family Inequities Score is a tool. It helps explain the variation in socio-economic barriers across the City of Toronto neighbourhoods. While other composite measures of socio-economic disadvantage in Toronto exist, the Child & Family Inequities Score is unique because it uses indicators that are specific to families with children under the age of 12. [3]. To learn more about the variation in socio-economic barriers across the City of Toronto neighbourhoods, please visit the Child & Family Inequities Score page on Raising the Village.


  1. Hulchanski, J. D. & Maaranen, R. (2018, September). Neighbourhood Socio-Economic Polarization & Segregation in Toronto Trends and Processes since 1970 . Presented at Delft University of Technology, Netherlands. Retrieved February 20, 2020 from 
  2. Polanyi , M., Mustachi , J., kerr , michael, & Meagher, S. (2016). Divided City: Life in Canada’s Child Poverty Capital (2016 Toronto Child and Family Poverty Report Card). Retrieved February 20, 2020 from
  3. The Toronto Child & Family Network (2016). Raising the village: Child & Family Inequities Score. Retrieved September 1, 2023 from