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Equity Framework > Principles

The Equity Framework is composed of guiding questions and resources based on a foundation of seven guiding principles: 

  1. Systemic Focus: We are focused on removing systemic barriers within the child and family service system.
  2. Collective Impact Approach: Working with organizations across the Network – not in silos – is required to address systemic inequities.
  3. Targeted Universalism: Everyone benefits from targeted removal of systemic barriers. Reducing barriers and disparities will lead to a better Toronto for everyone.
  4. Distinct and Intersectional: inequities are experienced differently across populations, and within them along intersectional lines.
  5. Inclusive Process: people experiencing inequities must be meaningfully engaged and their perspectives inform decision-making
  6. Transparent, evidence-based: Our approach is evidence-based and driven by measurable goals and outcomes that are tracked and publicly reported.
  7. Sustainability: We are setting the foundation for long-term equity efforts.


Principles adapted from:

Province of Ontario. (2017). A Better Way Forward: Ontario’s 3-Year Anti-Racism Strategic Plan. Available from: