Drivers for Change – Engage Champions
Equity Framework > Drivers for Change > Engage Champions
Advancing equity requires change, and any significant change usually requires a champion. A champion is someone who takes leadership by working with others to facilitate and influence change in an organization or community. Champions can be from any level of an organization, or from the local community. It is important to have support and champions from multiple levels. Champions are crucial to supporting change and equitable outcomes, however they require the following to support and sustain success and change:
- information
- networks
- tools
- strategies
- mentorship
- and resources
Adapted from:
- City of Ottawa and City for All Women Initiative. 2015. Equity and Inclusion Lens Handbook. Ottawa, ON: CAWI. Retrieved from
Further Reading / Additional Resources:
The National Collaborating Centre for Determinants of Health (NCCDH) prepared this report on behalf of the Public Health Agency of Canada. Section 3.1.1 discusses fostering a supportive organizational culture to recognize and build on elements that embrace equity and describes the role of champions in leadership positions. Toward Health Equity: Canadian Approaches to the Health Sector Role. 3.1.1 Individual champions. Public Health Agency of Canada, April 2014.
Sample Tools:
City for All Women Initiative, and M. Brooks. 2015. Advancing Equity and Inclusion: A Guide for Municipalities. Ottawa, ON: CAWI. Section 3: Create and Sustain Impact – Cultivate Champions