Drivers for Change – Resolve Conflict
Equity Framework > Drivers for Change > Resolve Conflict
Conflict resolution is finding a solution in situations of disagreement or conflict. Goals include improving communication, addressing misconceptions, building relationships, and finding common ground. Conflict can reflect larger systems of power and access to resources and does not always mean there is tension between individuals. Conflict is part of change. In turn, conflict resolution builds capacity while managing change.
Adapted from:
Racial Equity Tools Conflict Transformation. Retrieved from: https://www.racialequitytools.org/act/strategies/conflict-transformation
Further Reading / Additional Resources:
- Algonquin College’s School of Health Studies prepared a set of learning modules on Reflective Practice and Managing Conflict Resolution. Algonquin College of Applied Arts. (n.d.). MODULE FOUR: Dealing with Conflict. Retrieved from https://www.algonquincollege.com/health-studies/preceptorship/module-four/module-four-dealing-with-conflict/
- Conflict in Nonprofits is Hard, and We Need to Get Better at It. Available from: https://coco-net.org/conflict-management-continuum/
Sample Tools:
Community Toolbox: Chapter 20 – Section 6 – Training for Conflict Resolution provides information and questions for individual conflict resolution strategies.
Conflict Resolution Statement from the Anti-Oppression Network –
What is your conflict really about? The “Conflict Iceberg” Tool. COCo (the Centre for Community Organizations):
Tools for conflict prevention and resolution in community groups. COCo (the Centre for Community Organizations)
Active Listening and Conflict Resolution Basics. COCo (the Centre for Community Organizations)