Levels of Action – Community
Equity Framework > Levels of Action > Community
It is important to focus on the role of communities in identifying inequities and mobilizing strategies to promote equity in child and family well-being. At the community level, action includes understanding, acknowledging, and removing barriers that prevent the full participation of community members. This may require targeted and specific responses to address local needs. Building relationships within community and collaborating with those most impacted by a challenge or issue is an essential part of addressing inequities.
Communities have an important role in:
- identifying strengths and challenges,
- guiding action to reduce inequities, and
- promoting equitable and innovative practices
Key community stakeholders include local residents, community groups, neighbourhood leaders, committee members, agencies, businesses, and other groups that contribute to the community. Governments and agencies need to share power and partner in an inclusive and authentic way with community members, and those with lived experience. Community development that builds on existing community strengths and mobilizes community, is an important part of taking action at this level.
Examples of Drivers for Change that may be useful in community level action include:
- Ismail, H., & Wong, M. (2023). The Community Playbook. Social Planning Toronto. Available from: https://www.socialplanningtoronto.org/the_community_playbook
- Pauly, B., Shahram, S. Z., van Roode, T., Strosher, H.W., & MacDonald, M.(2018). Reorienting Health Systems Towards Health Equity: The Systems Health Equity Lens (SHEL). Victoria, BC: The Equity Lens in Public Health (ELPH) Research Project. Available from: https://www.uvic.ca/research/projects/elph/assets/docs/kte-resource-6—systems-health-equity-lens.pdf