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Equity Framework – Levels of Action

Equity Framework > Levels of Action

Taking action to reduce inequities and improve child and family well-being happens at multiple levels. There may be a need to engage all levels in your work or start at one level and build to another. Consider what power you and your organization have to apply an equity-based approach to your program or initiative at the individual, program and service, community, and system levels.

Consider the different levels of action. At what level(s) can you take action? Is it something that should be addressed starting with individuals; by families working together; by staff in your program or service, local organizations or neighborhoods; at the level of the city, sector, system, or all of the above?

To find out how organizations operationalize equity in programming and service delivery at different levels and utilize intentional practices, refer to the Equity Framework Usage Examples.

What power do you have to take action at an individual, program/service, community, or system level?